Package-level declarations


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class Poll

Class representing a poll.

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data class PollData(val text: String)

Class representing data for poll. A poll may or may not have a data, which is an additional field used after user's vote. Currently this class only supports text data.

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data class PollOption

Class representing a poll option. A poll options can be created by Poll.create and GroupChannel.addPollOption. text is the only field set by the client. Other fields can be set by the server and voting.

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Class representing poll status. A Poll can be one of OPEN, CLOSED.

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Class representing an event that a Poll has been updated. This event will be passed to BaseChannelHandler.onPollUpdated. Once this event is received, the user must find cached messages that contain this poll and apply changes using Poll.applyPollUpdateEvent.

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Class representing an event that one or more vote has been casted on a poll option. The affected poll may be in multiple channels. This event will be passed to BaseChannelHandler.onPollVoted. Once this event is received, the user must find cached messages that contain this poll and apply changes using Poll.applyPollVoteEvent.